How to Create Visual Memory Triggers & Structure a Doodle Note Page Layout
Visual Memory Triggers:
These visuals can be images that contain or represent an analogy that helps the student understand.
They can also be graphics that blend text and pictures that stick in the students’ brains. It’s a perfect way to build a concept so that it really lasts in the long-term memory. Because of Dual Coding Theory, these special graphics that combine text and images will convert more easily into long-term memory instead of being stored separately in short-term memory (see more about those "dual coding" brain connections here.) Read more below to learn how to create and organize visual notes in a way that is specifically tailored to incorporate visual triggers. A student’s brain will process the text and the image in a way that builds connections and helps them remember the concept better than if reading or hearing it alone. Plus, the visual stimulation allows students to engage, get excited as well as retain the information that we are teaching in a lesson. The benefits of this research-based approach include:
Visual notes are ideal for introducing lessons that include categories or subtopics, steps or stages in a process, relationships between ideas, or layers of material with key terms. And there are a few different graphic structures you can use to accomplish this depending on your lesson.
How to Structure a Doodle Note Layout that Incorporates Visual Triggers
Start by thinking of a particular lesson that you'd like to try teaching with visual notes. Break down the main idea and content and see which of the following structures would be best for your own lesson material.
Here are some starter options to try on for size, depending on the type of lesson content.
Option 1: Organizing Relationships with Connections and Parts
These all work great for teaching concepts with parts that fit together. Use them to interconnect topics. Students can organize, sort and compare to focus on or explain the relationships between all of the factors.
Option 2: Showing Steps or Stages for Processes or Representing Phases
Sometimes lessons are more basic and don’t really have room for a lot of creativity in the structure. That’s where stacking and layering works the best. They are far more visual than just lists. It works best for vocabulary-based lessons or topics that include long lists. Adding just a little bit of shape will help students remember key terms better.
Option 3: Tell Stories to Connect Ideas, Teach Concepts, and Promote Dialogue
This approach is perfect for when you’re talking about a subject where you want to animate meaning or share and connect ideas. You can use them to inspire and excite because students can have fun making their own stories or posters.
Option 4: Don’t forget Creative Custom Structures!
Sometimes it’s best to get creative and make your own custom structures from cups, gears, balloons or bubbles. Any containers that seem to work based on the lesson material can work. Some particular topics need more specific structures that you can create yourself it you cannot fit your content into a pre-existing template. That’s one of the greatest things about visual and doodle notes. They are extremely flexible. Each classroom has a different dynamic and no one knows your classroom as well as you do. Being able to tailor the visual notes to your students is the best way for them to learn. There are really no “right ways” or “wrong ways” to teach with visual notes. When you use this strategy, you will see students that not only become focused or engaged in class, but also excited to learn.
It really is amazing how engaged students can become with these visual note tactics. They actually do love and take to this structure when it is used. As a teacher, it is so neat to see and hear the connections that stick in their brains.
To see the memory benefits first hand is part of what teaching is all about. It's awesome when you have a student say, “Yeah! I remember when you said that as I was doing little dots around the world ‘midpoint’ and I wrote that formula right in the corner with my orange pen! That’s how I remembered it on the test!” Samples
Here are a few samples of visual triggers within custom page layouts:
Students form text into the shapes of the visual triggers (graphics that stick in their minds) to remember the three reasons we write in math: to explain, support, and describe. (from the "writing in math" set)
Students remember the connection between the ice cream cone, the drips, and the thermometer to understand how changes in temperature can convert matter from one state to another. (from the "States of Matter" page shared in the Doodle Note Club Sharing Zone)
Hopefully, these samples will inspire you as you start brainstorming about how to incorporate your own visuals into your doodle note strategy in your own classroom.
For templates, more layout tips, video training, and downloadable resources, join up at To Read Next:
4/14/2017 17 Comments Logical Consequences for Teens
Classroom Management for Middle & High School Based on Love & Logic
Principles Behind "Love & Logic"
In parenting, the idea is that we love our children enough to have strong, consistent expectations and enforce reasonable guidelines. A child who knows what is expected and has clear procedures in place is actually happier.
The logic part comes in when we allow kids to learn decision making, benefit from their mistakes in the long run, and experience natural repercussions of their actions. When the logical consequences are balanced with love and empathy, the child grows and is able to learn to make smart choices and live a happy and fulfilled life. To teach students self-discipline in the same way, we can approach classroom management with a similar balance of love and logic. The following benefits will be a result:
Learn more about love & logic approaches here: Parenting Teaching But How Do Logical Consequences Apply in the Teen Years?
So, instead of kicking them out of their usual class routine and locking them in a detention room or even worse, sending them home, why not try something else? Instead, have the student either come in early or stay late to clean their graffiti from the bathrooms with the janitor. They not only have consequences for their actions, but they also learned that they are going to be in charge of cleaning up or fixing it. This effect is the natural and reasonable result of the behavior that the student chose to participate in.
What’s great about logical consequences is that they can be applied in so many areas. They are perfect for the classroom, with your own children, or for school wide policies. The consequences don’t just punish, they teach.
According to professor and education expert from California State University John Shindler, there are definite differences between consequences and punishments.
Consequences: ● Intend to teach lessons ● Are logical and related ● Are proactive ● Promote responsibility ● Foster internal locus of control ● Work in the long run Punishments: ● Intend to give discomfort ● Are unrelated and often personal ● Are reactive ● Can promote obedience, but sometimes also resentment ● Fosters external locus of control ● Works in the short-term That’s why logical consequences are a far better way to deal with unacceptable behavior. Making them a proactive learning moment will stick with students far longer than punishment will. Specific Examples:
3 Types of Logical Consequences
1. You Break It - You Fix It
Whether it was accidentally or intentionally, this deals with situations where something broke or a mess has been made. It assigns the student responsibility of righting the situation as best as they can. For example: A student running in the hallway knocks into a student, breaking their project for next period. Instead of sending the student to the office for punishment, have the student help fix the project. Then have the student at fault explain to the teacher of that class that it was their fault for anything that may have not be fixable. A student throws garbage instead of getting up to take it to the trash bin (or leaves scraps on the floor and walks out of the room when the period is over without cleaning up his/her area). Now, at the end of class, that student will have to stay for a minute and pick up any garbage on the floor in the room and get it all into the bin (or be on the recycling team for a week). 2. Loss of Privilege This works great in the classroom to help dial in student’s behavior. Adolescents are pretty much hardwired to challenge the rules at some point in time, and in doing so they have to face a consequence of losing a privilege. For example: Students that didn’t turn in their homework or complete the assignment will not get to participate in the fun activity or game that is planned. Instead, they have to spend that time to complete the work. Or when a student fools around too much in class, they have to sit by the teacher for the rest of the class (or week). 3. A Positive Time Out Sometimes students can’t control themselves. They start to disrupt class with outbursts and other antics that hinder everyone’s ability to learn in the classroom. That’s when the student will need to “take a break” and recover self control. It is important that the students know this time-out is only to allow a chance to check their behavior before they spin out completely. For example: A student won’t stop talking out of turn during class, they ignore instructions to be quiet and keep talking out of turn. Remove them from the immediate area and have them sit in a designated “time out spot” so that they can calm down before it escalates. This is exactly the type of student who does not want to miss out on the community and discussion! They will quickly learn to follow the guidelines for participation so that they do not miss out again. TIP: Whenever I prep a fun review game or activity, I also copy a few worksheet versions of the same type of practice. This makes it so easy to keep the class under control during something fun. They know I already have a more “boring” option ready for them, and a student who cannot handle the fun game with self-control will be immediately handed the worksheet option and pulled from the class activity to go sit in the hall with a clipboard to do the quiet worksheet with the same practice. They are motivated to stick to my expectations for behavior because they do not want the consequence of missing the fun.
As you can see, the main point of logical consequences is conveying a lesson and not just doling out punishment. Adolescents not only have a chance to see the error in their behavior, but they see how to fix it, see how it affects them and others, and also a chance to learn and improve their actions in the future.
The key is to keep it streamlined, simple, and straightforward. Stay consistent, and use a calm voice to explain that now this is the consequence. That’s just how it works. Leave no room for argument or negotiation. Try phrases like: - Clearly, you cannot handle this right now, so as a result, ,you'll need to grab that sheet from the corner of my desk and take it over to… - You will need to show me that you have the self-control to participate in an activity like this next time. (afterward / at the end of the class period) - Since you made the choice to ___, now you will have to _____. - Now that you've caused __(problem)__, you'll need to fix it by __(natural consequence)__. Stay calm and clear.
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While extra planning may seem like an overkill at first, it will actually save you time and stress later on. Your classroom should run like a well oiled machine, smoothly and efficiently. Hopefully, these tips help you with that! Do you have any tips or tricks that work for you? Make sure to share them with us, we’d love to hear them!
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