This structure for test corrections has been incredibly effective for me in EVERY secondary math class I have taught, from basic middle school math to Honors Algebra 2. If you have not tried offering test fix-up opportunities, think about trying this procedure.
I know what your hesitations may be with allowing students to correct tests, but the procedure I use keeps everyone accountable. I have students copy every step of the procedure into their notebooks at the beginning of the year. I do not give reminders. Completing test corrections is optional and the students hold themselves accountable for this. This method cuts out all the problems of a typical "retake" system. I have never liked the idea of a retake, but have yet to find a part of this test correction procedure that I do not like! I allow students who complete test corrections to earn back half of the points that they missed on the test. A student who did poorly, but is willing to go back and figure it out can make an appointment with me to go over the material together. They can bring their test grade up just a bit, but not as much as if they had gotten the problems right the first time. This works out so that students who are top scorers also feel that it's fair. They will usually correct their test even if they only missed one point, so they can get a half point back. They still cannot earn a perfect score. Explanations must be in complete sentences. This ensures that students who got help can demonstrate that they understand their mistakes. They must write out a full explanation and show all re-done work. When I first started offering this option, I was really surprised to see that sometimes, the students with the lowest grades chose not to bother doing corrections. However, this is actually excellent evidence to provide parents and administrators. When parents come in for a conference and hear that the student earned a D on a test and did not bother to do test corrections to bring the grade up, without fail, they turn to the student and go "WHATTTTT?" instead of blaming the teacher or curriculum. The accountability is on the students. There is clear proof when a student is not putting in their effort. I always say that since I give a full week for students to do their corrections, they have no excuse for not completing them. There is plenty of time to come to me and go over what they still do not understand. Then, when we move on, I know that I am not leaving them behind. Students no longer give up and drop the graded test in the trash saying, "Oh well, I still don't get it." Here is the full Test Correction Procedure available for download. Feel free to use this in your own classroom.
This is specific to tests only. I don't like to offer it for quizzes, because I do quizzes as stepping stones on the way to a test. With a quiz, there is already an incentive to look it over, fix up mistakes, and prepare for the upcoming test. I remind students to do this even though they will not be explicitly rewarded for it. They know that they need to do it for their own improvement.
I also inform students that this procedure will not be in place for the final. The final is an official cumulative assessment, and should reflect all learning up to that point. (Also, I do not have time to offer a week for this after a final exam, when grades are due.) There are no second chances at that point. Please join in with us in the comments below to share your own experience with a similar strategy, or any questions you may have. Take a minute to also browse through the great input that is already there from other teachers. Looking for More Math Ed. Ideas? Subscribe Here -
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Amelia Jamison
6/24/2015 04:24:27 am
I love this procedure and use it in my classroom as well! I really like your use of example explanations. Since you don't use this for quizzes, do you have a different procedure for those? Thanks!
6/24/2015 04:50:01 am
Hi, Amelia! Thanks so much.
3/27/2016 02:40:35 pm
what do you do about people who haven't taken the test yet?!ornits not handed back until everyone has taken it 3/29/2016 08:04:59 am
Michelle, I never hand back until all make up tests are done. Thanks so much!
11/5/2016 08:29:26 pm
Sometimes I will replace extremely low quiz grades with a grade from the portion of the test that covers the same concepts. This gives them extra incentive to master difficult concepts. I do not do this for every quiz.
4/14/2017 12:17:18 am
What about if a student did really poor and they got a 1 out of 20 and they do the test corrections but it only counts for half. They would get as much as 9.5 points extra but that would still be an F or how is the scale set up? I have been trying to implement this instead of them redoing a test.
10/13/2017 06:29:29 pm
Would you suggest this for second graders?
6/14/2018 04:34:18 pm
Thank you for sharing tips! In respect to quizzes, grade immediately to pass back the next day as a warm up. Have students work collaboratively in their groups to compare and correct their answers for points on warm up grades (using a point system). Many of my students have no interest in doing anything that does not earn points.
Craig VanCamp
5/26/2016 10:18:58 am
I still have a lot of reservations with this system. A student could easily pass there math class with some "effort" even if they lack "understanding". The grade should represent what they know. I guarantee every teacher will have student parrot back a written response from a friend or a parent, without being able to solve that same problem a week later. Also, by allowing these outside resources as help toward their grade, you are creating an unfair playing field.
5/26/2016 02:52:31 pm
Hey Craig,
6/7/2016 09:37:11 pm
You could require them to do the corrections with you at extra help if you are concerned with outside resources. Also, I allow them to make up all tests during the quarter, but only 1 counts. This way I don't feel like their grades are inflated.
4/4/2018 09:22:15 pm
I really like teaching
6/1/2018 06:47:38 am
I use this and for quizzes I allow them to use their interactive journal/ notebook. So quizzes are open notes, whereas tests are not, but they have the option for test corrections.
6/27/2018 06:38:26 pm
I do exactly the same thing, Tamara! Since I do more "projects" as a summative score, the tests are not looked at as a stressor!
Judy Vincent
6/28/2018 11:37:19 pm
I use corrections for quizzes, not tests. This way students can learn from their mistakes, prove they know the material and then, in theory, do better on the test. I think of the quiz score as the "diagnosis" and the test score as the "autopsy".
6/30/2015 09:14:12 pm
10/15/2017 08:27:45 am
Frida Shroyer
6/30/2015 09:18:30 pm
Do the students take their tests home to do the corrections? I suppose that even if someone else told them what to write down, they would still build understanding. Thanks for the great idea. (Sorry about the blank comment.) :-)
7/1/2015 01:57:13 am
Yes, Frida, I do let them take it home. I even accept sentences like "My big brother / friend from the other class period showed me that I was multiplying the decimals the wrong way. I did not remember to account for the zeros," as long as they show the work and explain clearly that they now understand it. I am so glad that you like the idea. Let me know how it goes. I really love using this method. Thanks!
6/21/2019 03:31:36 am
I have been using this same system for years and love it. I used to allow them to turn in corrections up until the next chapter test. Of course they came flooding in the day before and I was left with grading for days. Once they knew that I wouldn't accept an explanation of "I got this wrong because I didn't get it" or "I missed this one because I got it wrong" they began to write more thoughtful explanations including mathamatical language. 7/14/2015 07:13:06 am
Have you notice any students copying someone else's work? And what do you do? Thank you for sharing.
7/15/2015 02:40:10 pm
Hi Marsha, I do not usually have a copying problem, because they have to explain in sentences. If a set of sentences do match, then you can have them verbally explain it too. Maybe I should add a disclaimer to the procedure saying "You better be able to explain it to me out loud too!" :) I have not really had that problem yet though, because they know that I am reading the sentences.
Donna Donohue
8/9/2016 11:04:51 am
I use a method very similar to this and I have had students caught by my colleagues copying corrections during homeroom or other class periods (our policy as a team of teachers is that if any student is caught copying anything other than missed notes we take the papers and give them to the teacher that assigned them). My policy for copying corrections is I conference with both students individually to get each of their stories - I also explain to both of them that their choice means that their corrections will not count and their grades stand as is. I consider this a lesson learned and I do send home an email to both parents to let them know what occurred and to please talk to their students about this and the ramifications that this can have in their future (not just a missed opportunity for raising a grade).
Vicky Longcrier
9/18/2016 03:49:48 pm
I use a method similar to this but I require the student to have the parent sign the corrections. This way the parent may be able to offer a way for the student to do the problem that I have not addressed. I also like for the parent to be aware of any failing grades before the end of the grading period. I teach 6th grade Math and Science and my students are younger so many of my parents are still very involved. Our district also offers our parents access to their students grades online so many of my parents are already aware of the failing grade and are watching for the paper. This addresses many of my concerns about copying because most parents hold their student accountable for these answers. I also use these in parent conferences to show that they have had the opportunity and if the student used it to improve their grade and understanding. This also shows the student that their teacher and parents are working together for their benefit.
8/3/2015 02:07:15 pm
I am very interesting in this procedure. So when you correct their tests the first time, do you simply note how many points they lost for each incorrect problem. I would assume you don't find their mistake and write the correct answer.
8/5/2015 11:07:03 am
What do you do at your meeting with students? What if they come to you with only a portion of the work done? I assume they only get credit for the completely corrected problems and that you go over the others with them. Do you normally give partial credit on problems, and if yes, can they earn 1/2 of the points you took off on the original paper for those as well? 8/30/2015 02:31:29 am
Hi jananian,
Lennetta Gray-Brewton
10/15/2017 03:02:24 pm
Hello!!! I am now, also requiring that the scholar attend tutorial session. We call our after school session Power Hour. They must then list at least three strategies they have completed to address the issue of their low score. (Attend power hour, make corrections to quiz/test, extra practice, USA Test Prep). etc. Once the scholar does this, they must provide written date as to when they wish to take a retest/requiz on that material.
I have used this process. My difficulty comes with those students who don't really correct their work. It is still wrong - sometimes they even copy what they wrote down on the original tests. I found that I was correcting the same thing twice and started getting backed up. Have you run into this problem and have you found a solution?
8/30/2015 02:26:50 am
I do not give the credit in that case. Since the students know they only have one chance at this, they either get help or they don't even bother with trying to correct it. I think if you make it clear that you will only take your time to look it over and give back any points if they have done conscientious work, the kids tend to take it more seriously.
10/7/2015 09:19:15 pm
while looking for answers in the web about how to make a point to my son's teacher and the principal of the school about the teacher asking the parents to correct the math test, I come across this nonsense, WHERE ARE YOU informed and responsible parents?
10/7/2015 10:06:28 pm
Hi Nina,
4/1/2016 07:56:34 pm
Nina, I would also just like to add here that by the time a student has taken a test they have received whole class instruction and review on the material likely 3 to 4 times and at that point need some one on one to understand material.
10/19/2015 09:30:25 am
Nina, did you read the same article that I did? She is giving the students options. Of course they can come to her for help. (and by the way, help for a student that is struggling is rarely 15 minutes, it is often 60 - 90 minutes) I am always happy to help a student that wants to improve. But the student can chose where they get the help: Teacher, Classmate, tutor, parent ... whatever works for them.
10/19/2015 10:28:26 am
Thanks so much, Lori :)
5/1/2016 07:49:05 pm
Nina, I'm under the impression you did not actually read the article. Where does it say that a parent would correct the test, and how did you get the idea that the teacher is not available to help? I also sense that you have no concept of how much time teachers spend prepping, grading, planning, and all of the other things that go into doing our very best to provide the very best education we can for our students. The only thing that takes only 15 minutes per student (which, by the way adds up to 15 hours for me, and I work in a rural school!) is perhaps the photocopying.
7/22/2016 12:08:36 am
Parenting is tough work and I understand being a math expert especially beyond basic math should not be expected!! I don't think any teacher expects a parent to be doing the teaching! BUT teachers are VERY limited with time! Especially 1-on-1 time! Every year I have parents that assume I eat bon bons before school, during prep, and after school! HAHAHA!! I have worked very hard to stay only 30 minutes extra at work each day and take home about 2-3 hours worth of work each week to do at home. This works out to only be about 5 hours beyond a typical work week and in the teaching world this is almost unheard of! Every minute I spend with a student before school, after school or during prep is really just a minute I add to staying late, or bringing work home. I have never turned down a request for help outside of class time, but it is HORRIFYING to see what parents assume we should give up in our lives for their son/daughter when they could probably just take 2 minutes to find an expert who explains the topic as well as we do on YouTube! It doesn't take much to help a teacher :) But I have NEVER had a parent asking if I needed any help! Man! I am getting rilled up! Teachers sure don't get paid enough!!
7/22/2016 11:01:48 am
So so true, Julie! It's unbelievable the number of hours math teachers put in, especially with all the extra help. It's so great when teachers and parents both have a passion for it, though! :) We can make it happen! Videos at home are a great idea. There is so much available now for getting kids the help they need. Thanks so much for joining the conversation! Have an awesome school year :) And maybe do try a few bon bons before school - it may help! haha
9/18/2016 03:09:58 pm
Julie, tell me your secrets! I couldn't begin to plan, grade, help kids, contact parents, and handle all school related business in 5 extra hours per week! I routinely work 10 hour days with another 4-8 hours on the weekend. But we are a standards-based grading district. I would never be allowed to only give back half the points. His students have to have chances to demonstrate mastery Multiple times. Many, therefore, don't really start trying until halfway through the semester.
Julie K
10/23/2016 10:01:01 pm
I'm pursuing the web right now to try to learn some new grading/homework management...I'm a National Board Certified math teacher of 18 years and I work in a high school where I have 160 students/day between three sections of Alg 1 and two sections of Algebra2. I "grade" HWK the day after it is assigned out of three, based on completion and work shown (kids write score at top and I walk around with clipboard, recording scores, while they check them in pen with posted answers). By chapter's end, students are to have corrected all missed problems, with correct work shown AND correct answers (which I gave them) on a separate sheet. If they keep getting X=2 for an ans and they are supposed to get X=3, then I encourage them to ASK ME TO HELP THEM!! I give class workdays after every three lessons or so (day before a quiz as I have two quizzes a chapter) to work on these. They can obviously work on them at any time!! The day before the test, they complete a Homework Quiz, using only these homework assignments and their corrections. I ask for one problem from each assignment and they copy it down a master sheet, then turn in all corrections and all HWK assignments. They get a grade for completed HWK corrections. Ideally, students should be getting 100% on both corrections and HWK quiz, but some students just don't correct their homework honestly, or don't really "do" corrections. I'm at a loss for improving this system, and with two quizzes per chapter and a chapter test, with 160 students and we do all 12 chapters, I feel I'm grading papers ALL the time....HOURS and HOURS outside of school, along with any available minute during the day (including my lunch time).....help!!!
6/14/2018 05:19:16 pm
A strategy that I use in reducing grading time is to identify 2-4 concept representative problems that I can quickly check on HW and scan the rest for “completion”. Best scenario is to do this as you walk around with a clipboard (write grades and footnotes on seating chart with a pencil). During warm up time, you’re taking attendance too. I can also give immediate feedback/clarification as a class for common mistakes or problems that many could not complete. I will sometimes extend hw due date another night so they can go back and do the problems that were an issue.
11/13/2016 06:46:20 pm
Nina, I, too, teach math to 5th graders. I hope you see my reply. A child's parent is the best first teacher. You do not rescind your responsibility for teaching when you send your child to school. As much as teachers want to give your child one-on-one tutoring in the particular area your child is failing, (and we really, really do), there just isn't always time. My own three children looked to my husband and I for help with their school work. Use it as a time to connect with your child and show how much value you give education and doing well. Not only that, the teacher is not asking you to correct tests, he/she is asking you to assist your child in finding their own mistakes which is a far more powerful learning tool than just correcting a paper.
Kristen Acosta
11/2/2015 11:17:43 am
Good morning,
11/2/2015 03:20:38 pm
Thanks so much for your thoughts, Kristen!
11/5/2015 05:22:07 am
I felt as though I had written this! This is almost the exact same policy I have in my classroom. It takes a bit of time, but it is worth it!
11/5/2015 07:59:35 am
Hi, Michelle.
Susan Hirsch
11/5/2015 08:00:31 pm
I have used this process for many years, it works great; especially after the first student's grade goes from an F to an A.
11/6/2015 11:58:58 am
Hi Susan,
8/12/2016 09:21:53 am
The best that a 59% can go up to is an 79.5%, so not really F to A
Lori Laskoskie
11/11/2015 02:44:12 pm
I use this policy in my classroom as well and I love it. My students learn from their mistakes. I wish more teachers did this process, especially with math. To the parents who say this is all on the teacher and that they are not supposed to "teach" their child. It takes a village to raise a child and you have been teaching your child since they were born. If the subject matter is not something you excel at, just have your child work with their peers, or their teacher. No one said that you have to teach your child every subject, just like most teachers are not expert in every subject matter taught in school. I know this works, because my students' grades have improved.
11/12/2015 11:59:47 am
Hi Lori,
6/14/2018 06:25:21 pm
11/14/2015 04:35:35 pm
I gave this option to my Algebra 2 kids just yesterday. I was so frustrated with their scores that I told them they had the weekend to correct it, but I like the idea of having a week so they have time to get help. Thanks for sharing!
11/17/2015 12:01:31 pm
Hi Brigit,
1/10/2016 07:49:46 pm
I am so excited to try this! I'll let you know how it goes!!
1/10/2016 08:28:57 pm
Awesome, Jann! :)
1/24/2016 06:18:08 pm
How would I use this system with proficiency grading? I don't typically work with points and percentages. My students get a 1 on a learning target if they can show some correct mathematical reasoning. I award a 2 if they have mastered most of the concepts and are nearly proficient. Students who have displayed proficiency get a 3, and to those who have made extensions, who know the target well enough to teach it, I give a 4. I suppose they could achieve up to a 3 if they are able to explain why their solution was incorrect and how to fix it.
1/25/2016 07:43:44 pm
Hi Julie,
3/22/2016 11:55:54 pm
My students are not allowed to take their tests home, so we do our corrections one day in class. The students who scored well and aren't doing corrections serve as peer helpers. Plus I am also available for help as well. Almost all of the students do corrections because it is done in class instead of at home.
11/18/2017 02:07:42 am
I also use this policy, and I do not allow the tests outside my classroom. If the student is unable to complete the corrections in my classroom, then I have them write down the questions on a separate sheet of paper to take home to work on. This has worked well for me and my students.
1/26/2016 10:14:10 am
A colleague shared this method last year - not sure where she saw it. It has worked really well. Parents and students love it. I've only had one ugly conversation with a parent who wanted their child to get credit for "trying" a second time - then I showed them that what was turned in was the same - no corrections - as what was incorrect on the test. What do they learn from that? The trick for me was sticking to my guidelines and not giving credit to students who did not follow them. When they realized that they had to follow the guidelines to a) get 1/2 points back and b) to learn how to correctly do the math, they got on board. Also, I run a lunch bunch for math help so I always have a lunch bunch available between the time the tests are returned and the corrections are due to help those who need it. It can be a time consuming to correct the one problem for a student so they can have 98 rather than a 96 but I've had to let that go and if they want to do the work, I honor that!
1/26/2016 08:59:18 pm
Hi Lori!
1/26/2016 09:01:23 pm
And yes,it's totally those kids who only missed one or two problems in the first place who are guaranteed to do their corrections to get that point back! :) Made me smile that that's the case in your class too. They want that 98! Which is great!
1/27/2016 01:01:34 pm
I have provided opportunity for corrections and give back 1/2 points but often get the same answers that they had originally. I like the procedure and will use this for my next test ( correcting it now). I have to get past those students who want the 99% by correcting the one missed point. I love that they have to include at least 2 complete sentences explaining their mistake. I am going to try this during the next week. :)
1/28/2016 08:00:15 pm
Oooh! Awesome :)
2/8/2016 03:40:51 am
Do you give partial credit while grading the first time around, or is it all or nothing? Just curios.
2/8/2016 02:38:52 pm
Hi, Cindy! :)
2/9/2016 05:40:19 am
Love this idea! I've been struggling with retakes as well and I'm going to give this a try. Hopefully this helps. Thanks!
2/9/2016 09:08:48 am
You are welcome, Mahsia!
2/12/2016 06:52:18 pm
I really like this concept. I'm a new teacher and my department here allows students to retake tests if they want. Students first complete test corrections to be eligible. Then they must retake the test to replace their original score (instead of immediately receiving 1/2 credit back). What are your thoughts on this???
2/15/2016 02:05:23 pm
Hey Shannon,
I have been using this for years! And you are absolutely correct that when you are sitting in a parent conference and explain to parents that their student did not use the opportunity, they turn to the student. It is also a great response when students ask if you will offer extra credit. My reply, every time we had a test you had an opportunity for extra credit, did you use it?
2/23/2016 08:19:43 pm
Yes! That is probably my favorite feature of this program! :)
2/21/2016 07:47:48 pm
I have been doing this for the past 17 years. I call it an Error Analysis. I teach middle school math. I also require them to tell me who helped them with their corrections. They can work with me, a sibling, parent, another teacher, etc. at then end, they must write a short reflection on the process and what they learned, and what they plan to do in the future to better prepare for a test.
2/23/2016 08:21:05 pm
I love that you also have them tell you who helped. Great addition! Very cool that you have already been doing this for so long :) Thanks so much for sharing your veteran view on this, Pat!
I do this but I make it a ticket for a test retake. In my class I teach towards competency at a standard, so whether they get it on the first take or second if a student displays they can achieve a 100% it goes in the grade book. When a student gets a good grade and calls foul I tell them they had to work a lot less for their A or B than the student who had to write out their mistake and then correct it, and then take a retake exam. If a student does all that they have earned the better grade, and if they got it on the first try they've earned not to have to deal with either the low grade or all the retake protocol.
3/9/2016 04:17:58 pm
Hi Bill, So true that the ones who score better the first time around save themselves a lot of hassle and time. I like the idea of using this as a "ticket" to re-take. I have never yet tried grading by eventual competency towards a standard. Thanks for sharing this strategy. Really interesting! :)
3/13/2016 07:55:16 pm
Thank you for sharing. I used to use this system before I started grading on a proficiency system. I really like the idea of students figuring out what they did incorrectly, explaining the mistake, and reworking the problem. But I prefer to use this in conjunction with a retest system. I do not give students any credit for corrections, but they know that these same learning goals will be on their next test so this is an excellent way for them to continue working. No credit means they don't get parents to do it for them because that doesn't help at all. It makes a difference too that each time students test a learning goal, the new grade replaces the old. My goal is that my students continue to work on learning, and that their final grade reflects what they know and can do at the end of the grading period.
3/14/2016 04:21:09 pm
Hi Cathy,
Judy H
3/20/2016 01:12:44 am
Thanks for sharing, Cathy, I like your approach.
8/16/2018 08:31:59 am
Hi Cathy, I have always done quiz corrections for half credit, but there is a push for a Mastery system in our district. I was trying to decide how to set up the retest system, and I think having them do the test corrections with the explanations but for no points might be what students need to justify taking a second test. This way I know that they have made the effort to learn before they retake the test. How do you schedule time for the retests?
Judy H
3/20/2016 12:21:44 am
I have never considered doing anything like this, but I think I may try it next semester. I teach community college statistics. It matters very much to me that the students understand the material, and this is a good way to ensure it. I also like that you only allow a week. I am always concerned that while they are trying to make a better grade, they are neglecting the newest material.
3/21/2016 09:12:22 am
Thanks, Judy! Yeah, it's so important to make sure that the snags are taken care of before moving on, even if it has to happen WHILE moving on. It's a tough balance. I hope you like trying a strategy like this. :)
3/24/2016 09:19:21 pm
I have used a procedure similar to this with my fourth graders for the last few years. I will say though, that I only allow those that score below an 80 to turn in test corrections. With 70 students, I just don't want to take the time to grade that many tests again. Plus, I feel an A or B is an acceptable grade in math.
3/25/2016 12:06:29 pm
Hi Totiana,
3/28/2016 03:52:38 pm
Do you every use the same tests in future years? I've always kept student tests for 2 reasons (I usually pass back to look over and clear up any questions, then re-collect). I like to have them in my possession if a parent would like to come in and look over them and I may reuse that test a year or two down the road and don't want it passed on to younger siblings or friends to memorize.
3/28/2016 03:54:48 pm
Following this post.
3/29/2016 07:48:58 am
3/29/2016 08:09:16 am
Hi Sarah,
Trish Davis
7/22/2016 07:04:53 am
The students in my high school math classes get a journal at the beginning of the semester. Our department no longer allows for extra credit or giving back points on a test in this way. The students do all the corrections for each test in the same journal. They only explain how to do the exercise correctly. Why reinforce incorrect ideas? The tests stay in class. The journals can go home. The journal is great for studying for final exams. The journal is worth half a test grade. A 100% journal usually bumps a students score up about 2 percentage points.
3/28/2016 10:25:11 pm
I love this. I also do not agree with the retake. It is frustrating for both the kids as well as for me. I use a similar process that makes the student accountable for the test and the end result. I have not in the past allowed them to use parents and other students. This is brilliant and I wish I had thought of it. I have kids that get it and they want to help. Thanks for this post.
3/29/2016 08:11:35 am
Hi Anthony,
3/29/2016 09:18:55 am
I do that with my students and it's working pretty well so far! So many students are willing to come and get half a point instead of retakes. For me, instead of making the test or quiz out of 100, or 50, I make it out of four like GPA. Each question would have 4 inner questions or more and they are out of four. After that, I would take the Average.
3/29/2016 02:06:16 pm
Thanks so much for jumping in, Salma! Great to hear your own experience. The four point grading system sounds really cool. I love that idea! :)
4/7/2016 08:09:34 pm
This is so amazing I could cry. You are a genius. Lol I'll definitely have to keep this in mind for if I ever become a teacher.
4/9/2016 11:53:09 am
4/12/2016 07:33:55 am
Hi Toni,
4/12/2016 07:36:40 am
Sorry the first like was supposed to say "is let them correct" ... I got auto corrected ;)
Tina White
4/18/2016 09:29:06 am
What percent of a students overall grade do you assign to tests?
4/20/2016 02:25:30 pm
Hi Tina, I've tried a few different scales over time, but found that around 20-25% works pretty well in middle school. I feel like it can go a bit higher in high school, at least from my own experience in both. Thanks!
4/25/2016 01:28:07 pm
Thank you for this! I also do corrections for my assessments and give half of the points back. I am going to use some of your ideas for next year to make sure parents and students know exactly what is expected to get the extra points. I have been assigning corrections to everyone, but I do like the idea of optional. I like the sentences for explaining in addition to the work shown! Do you make them correct all problems if they do the corrections? I have had some students that only corrected a couple of the problems and I'm trying to decide my thoughts on this. I am loving your blog and your ideas! Thank you for sharing!
4/25/2016 04:56:54 pm
Hey Jodi,
Marcia Wold
5/5/2016 09:45:10 am
My biggest concern is the amount of time this takes. I'm in a high school setting and if I give a Pre-Calculus test, that's 90 students all wanting help within a week. We don't have recess, study hall, etc. - just before school, after school, and lunch. Most students have sports after school and/or take an early period (starts at 7:15 am) so really the only time available is lunch. Thoughts?
5/5/2016 03:09:56 pm
Hi Marcia,
Francis Kisner
5/14/2016 08:54:18 am
If a student makes the same mistake repeatedly on a test, should they have to write the explanation sentences for each of the problem corrections? Is redundancy a virtue here or does it deter students from the process?
5/16/2016 02:15:18 pm
Hi Francis,
5/27/2016 10:56:16 pm
I so wish this was available to me in high school. I have developed horrible math anxiety. Even as an adult in community college, I'd find myself nearly to tears as the material just seemed so over my head. I worked so hard for that C.
5/30/2016 04:20:51 pm
Hi Jess,
C. Freeman
5/28/2016 05:37:57 pm
I use this also. However, students must have all their homework done to take advantage of this opportunity, I am thinking about adding..."I may ask you about a question, so please be prepared to discuss it".
5/30/2016 04:18:41 pm
That's smart to require homework to all be turned in first. What a great addition! Thanks so much for sharing. I love this idea!
6/1/2016 12:31:07 am
Hi, I teach 9th graders who don't seem to want to be held accountable for anything. I like the ownership this makes them take in their mistakes and relearning. Most of our tests are multiple choice and I find a lot of students don't show work. What format do you use? Do you still make them show their work when it is a multiple choice exam? Thanks
6/2/2016 07:22:58 pm
Hi Christy,
6/7/2016 08:18:30 pm
What do you do about questions that students left completely blank. How do they explain that mistake?
6/8/2016 07:12:10 pm
Hi Angie,
6/7/2016 09:42:31 pm
I use a similar procedure as well. I recently googled "test corrections and reflection" and a lot of good sheets come up that you can use for this purpose too. I have found that some of my students aren't clear enough using looseleaf for their corrections so I hope the sheet will help!
6/8/2016 07:13:37 pm
Oooh very cool! I love the idea of a sheet for structuring it. I will have to check that out. Thanks so much for sharing that tip, Cyndi!
Steve Usher
6/23/2016 04:27:43 pm
I use a similar procedure, but limit test corrections to half credit back for a 70 max. If they want a higher grade, they have to retest in tutoring.
7/2/2016 05:33:10 pm
I'm loving this idea. A couple of questions (concerns?). What do you do with the students who come in for help and really want to bring the grade up, but after reteaching and spending time, they still do NOT get the concept!
7/6/2016 11:05:31 am
Hi Doreen,
7/5/2016 08:48:00 am
I love this! I'm moving to a middle school math position this year after teaching 4th grade for a few years. I love this and plan on implementing! I'm also curious though about the work being done by the parent. I've come across this with my fourth grade a few times. The writing was in parents handwriting. Do you still accept the corrections?
7/6/2016 11:02:07 am
Hey Michele,
7/11/2016 08:54:40 am
I am thinking about adapting this for my social studies class. Thanks so much for sharing.
7/15/2016 10:08:36 am
I've used this method also a dressy love how it holds the student accountable. I am just curious to know if you ever drop their lowest quiz grade or homework.
7/17/2016 11:01:10 am
Hi Lynn,
7/21/2016 11:52:45 pm
Here are some things to consider...
7/22/2016 10:57:53 am
Hi Julie,
7/22/2016 04:10:43 pm
Brigid, 7/22/2016 10:56:03 pm
Gotcha, Julie.
7/22/2016 05:47:15 pm
Hi. I love the idea of test corrections and I use it in my classroom. However, I do it a little differently. Students are given the class period to make corrections. I do like the idea of them getting a week so they can get help, however, how does that work with "test security"? At my school, we give common assessments.
7/22/2016 10:58:26 pm
Hi Jennifer,
7/24/2016 03:25:08 am
I have taught higher level high school math for a long time. My goal is to prepare students for post-secondary success. How many of us have been given the opportunity to "re-test" or correct a test for points in college? Therefore, I concentrate on teaching my students to prepare, ask for help, and take responsibility for their own learning BEFORE the test happens. I give them a study guide, with questions similar to those that I will be asking on the test, a week before the test. I guide them through a few questions on the study guide per day and tell them to review additional examples from past homework, come in for help, or use Youtube videos if they are still struggling. You wouldn't believe how many of my students "blow off" the study guide (which is a required grade) and parents who come to me after progress reports demanding a "re-test". I am concerned that we are guiding students to believe that there is always a second chance for everything, and therefore, by my students own admission regarding teachers who do this, they don't try so hard the first time. I also teach my students to make there own study guides by the end of the school year. Many of my students who have gone off to college, later return to thank me for teaching this skill.
7/24/2016 11:08:47 am
Hi Juli,
6/22/2017 01:31:29 pm
Juli - I agree with you. I don't believe in retakes/corrections after middle school! So many students say "Don't worry, Mrs. N, I'll get it on the redo!". Students need to be held accountable, the earlier the better. There are no redos in so many situations. How would anyone like their auto mechanic, plumber, surgeon, cashier (fill in almost any occupation) to say "Sorry, I'll do better next time!". Yes, there are always special cases, but for the most part, most of our students can succeed the first time. Not every person is an A student! And that's ok!
8/1/2016 09:01:07 am
Hi! I'm really intrigued by this idea! My school allows test retakes if a student makes less than a B (80), and then any correct answers on that earn 1/2 credit back. They cannot earn more than an 80 even with the retest (unless they earned extra credit by turning in a study guide before the original test (can earn up to 5pts, based on accuracy). I usually only had students retake the questions they missed the first time because to redo the whole thing wastes my time and theirs if they've mastered some topics - especially since we'll come back to it in class for a refresh eventually :). The other thing is that the retest is a different version of the original, so they can't just memorize the correct answers from a friends original test. I'd love to include adding the 2 sentence explanation somewhere in this process, even if it meant completely changing part of it. Any ideas?
8/1/2016 08:00:36 pm
Hi Maggie,
Lennetta Gray-Brewton
8/14/2016 11:10:36 am
Thank you!!!! this is what I tell students at beginning of year and remind them each test correction activity. Sadly, however, i have never written it down this way.
8/14/2016 08:23:19 pm
You're welcome, Lennetta!
8/21/2016 03:23:59 pm
Thank you so much! I copied some of your wording into my syllabus. I look forward to trying this method!
8/31/2016 07:20:23 am
I practice mastery learning in my classroom which means that students greases reflect what they know, not when they learned it. By waiting to hand back tests until everyone has taken it students don't get feedback in time with their learning process. They may not remember what they were thinking when they solved something incorrectly and thus not be able to change that procedure in their mind for the future. If students need to solve similar questions from those the originally missed to test the same objective and earn back full points then you show students that their grade really reflects their understanding. Students who miss one question can get to 100% and students who fail can get to 100% if they re learn the concepts and re take the objectives. This can eliminate compliance and effort grades and really focus on content. It also still puts responsibility back on the students to relearn and retake the test that you can remind parents of if they don't.
8/31/2016 03:56:45 pm
Hi Stacey,
9/9/2016 12:37:03 pm
I think I missed something on this. Do they take their tests home and correct with your procedure or do they talk about them outside the classroom and make the corrections in your classroom.
9/9/2016 08:33:43 pm
Hi Leslie,
10/15/2016 08:11:00 am
I have been doing this process exactly as you describe (freaky) for years and I love it and it has worked great for me. I agree with your point about evidence for kids that don't try.
10/15/2016 01:52:40 pm
Hi Sylvia!
Anya Carrel
10/24/2016 04:56:05 pm
Hi there,
10/25/2016 08:15:38 pm
Hi Anya,
11/25/2016 12:38:48 pm
Thanks for the procedure. I am willing to try this for my middle schoolers.
Mr. VdV
11/27/2016 01:27:22 pm
I am a proponent of the growth mindset, but I still want to encourage students to prepare for the assessments the first time so that they can focus on the material being learned rather than spend their evenings correcting a test for half credit back (or less if they do not correct correctly!). One policy that a colleague of mine uses involves providing a study guide and having the study guide serve as a "ticket" to do corrections. If the study guide is not completed, the teacher doesn't allow for corrections to be made. It is an interesting form of accountability for the students.
1/6/2017 09:14:12 am
Hi Kathleen,
2/12/2017 11:59:51 am
I teach 4th grade and have been doing a version of this but it has been inconsistent...I love your procedures and the fact that students have clear expectations will be very helpful. I hate retakes because I feel it is unfair to the students that do well the first time and in real life we need to be accountable for our actions and we don't get re-takes for most of them. We can however take steps to remedy our errors, so I think this is a life lesson, as well as a math lesson.
2/13/2017 01:55:25 pm
Thanks so much, Maggie!
4/2/2017 06:34:06 pm
On the test corrections, I teach high school math 1. Most of my students are the ones who do not care or do enough to get by. How would I address the issue of "I just guessed the first time" as a response.
4/5/2017 10:30:14 pm
Hi Brittany,
4/8/2017 12:11:46 am
This is my third year teaching. And my third year with a different system for retaking tests. No retakes (department required) was too inflexible. Complete retakes where a mountain of extra papers.
4/9/2017 08:11:49 pm
Thank you so much, Briana!
- Becky
4/24/2017 11:48:56 am
I teach 4th graders - and have been teaching for 25 yrs. Re-Do's were very hard for me to 'buy in'... but the past 2 years have proven when done w/ accountability, it works. (most of the time) :)
4/24/2017 08:28:12 pm
Wow, Becky,
5/15/2017 11:58:21 pm
5/16/2017 09:33:16 pm
You're welcome! :)
5/24/2017 10:04:04 pm
Do you use standards-based grading? I guess I'm wondering what these test grades mean. If a student initially scored a 59%, then I would assume the student was functioning at a basic or emerging level. When the child completes this procedure and the score changes to a 72%, then it communicates that he/she is understanding at a higher level, but is that really an accurate picture?
5/25/2017 07:56:00 pm
Hi Andrea,
6/17/2017 11:31:35 pm
What I have found is that by going over the problem again and requiring them to explain it, typically they understand what they missed the first time through. I have found it also makes them a lot more careful the first time.
6/17/2017 11:29:03 pm
I have used most of this procedure for years and agree it works beautifully. However, I have not required them to write out 2 sentences. I have made them do a t-chart outlining every step as they re-worked the problem, almost like a geometry proof. I do appreciate how you spelled out the procedure so nicely in poster form, that I think is a great visual reminder for the students. At this age, students need to own their work and outcomes. . .this is one way they can. It also satisfies parents when they want to challenge me on their child's grade, it gives them tools to help their child grow.
7/8/2017 11:09:32 am
Hi Lynette,
6/22/2017 01:45:11 pm
How much time do you spend re-grading? In the past, in middle school, I only allowed failing tests the redo opportunity and I only allowed the grade to be brought up to the lowest D. I put these policies in place due to abuse. I did have them fill in a neat form which provided boxes for the students to write out original problem, original answer, work, new answer and complete sentence explanations.
7/8/2017 11:03:27 am
Hi Joan,
6/25/2017 03:29:48 am
I've used this same basic procedure for years (6 th grade math) and make them write what they they did wrong and what they had to do to fix it. My problem is I need to be firm about one week deadline and not writing full explanations. Another issue for me is I feel the same students start working the system by not studying the first time and taking advantage of getting tutorial help from me to walk them through each question they missed. This also becomes impossible to schedule multiple 1:1 time with students (almost every night after school) or even too many students at once when you have 90+ students. Retakes would be the same issue. It seems the underlying issues are not listening in class, not studying the first time, not knowing how to study, not using their notebooks and other resources to find how to correct answers on their own. The correction process is the best I have found but as you can see I am frustrated by the underlying issues.
7/8/2017 11:00:16 am
Hi Nan,
7/2/2017 02:29:04 pm
Hi Brigid,
7/8/2017 10:52:07 am
Oh, wow. That definitely offers a challenge.
7/8/2017 11:00:34 am
Thank you for responding, Brigid. I really am surprised more people haven't had this roadblock yet. I am thinking that they could definitely number their problems on the scratch paper. I would have to go into the system to see which they missed and give them the test correction form to make corrections along with a paper copy of the test. Sometimes the questions appear out of order on the computer to help prevent cheating (everyone seeing the same problem at the same time.) If they show good work, though, they should be able to find the problems. They don't have to be out of order, though. A lot of factors and it will take time each time, but would definitely be worth it in the long run. Like you and others have said, they have to choose to want it, so it may not be a lot of students doing this. I gave out several extra credit projects this past year and only had a handful of students (out of 100) complete them. Of course, most were the students who really didn't need extra credit. Thanks again!
9/3/2018 09:44:46 am
I am very late to the party here, but I wanted to tell you, Veronica, that I am in exactly the same boat. I am trying hard to come up with a solution, but other than having them retake the entire test over again, I can't come up with anything. Hopefully something will come up!
Lennetta Gray-Brewton
7/8/2017 01:02:21 pm
I, also, have not had the challenge of computer quiz/tests overall-with the exception of standardized tests. This would present some difficulty, I agree. I do no know that with the tech websites like "photomath", there could be some cheating and non-learning going on. Still if a scholar would go to that much effort, something has to sink it. Recall- I require that all corrections are on separate paper from original, must be rewritten, tell why original response is incorrect, and why the new response is the solution.
7/14/2017 01:12:50 pm
I use a similar procedure, with the addition of the parent signature. I need to add the week deadline, though. What do you say when students write "I ran out of time?"
7/18/2017 06:54:58 pm
Hi Natalie,
7/14/2017 11:15:50 pm
Hi! I have used this procedure in my HS Algebra classes for the last 5 years and was considering changing for some reason (mid-summer thoughts, I suppose) but came across your site and it renewed my "faith" in the system we use. I think providing structured directions, like you do, will be the only thing I change. In the past, I've just announced the directions before hand and we all know how well kids listen. :) I'm always so blown away by how many students choose NOT to take advantage of the opportunity. In our online grade book that parents have access to I always post "Test corrections available for 50% additional credit and are due by ___ NO EXCEPTION." I'm very laid back in my class about most things but I never accept late corrections and the kids have all respected it. I love walking into a PTC knowing that I've offered every opportunity for success and putting the accountability on the student. I've never had a parent fight me on anything in regards to the policy. (Knock on wood!) I'm adding a new math prep this year and plan to continue using this system! So much less work than retesting and actually encourages thought about mathematical processes. Thank you!
7/18/2017 06:56:52 pm
That's awesome, Kelly! Thanks so much for sharing.
7/30/2017 01:53:59 pm
I have been struggling with offering test corrections for years. Do you have any clauses in your procedures for students that do not have complete notes or majority of the practice assignments done? I find that 90% of the students who receive a 70% or lower are students that have not put in the effort prior to the exam. I also struggle with offering test corrections because students can use their notes/practice sets on the quiz; and if a student it struggling I will point out the corresponding problem from notes/practice to help them along. I also drop the 2 lowest quizzes at the end of the semester.
7/31/2017 12:06:59 pm
Michelle Perkins
9/18/2017 02:49:49 pm
Question - I am teaching science for the first time this year; do you have any suggestions for adjustments of this method?
9/20/2017 01:23:25 pm
Hi Michelle,
9/30/2017 08:24:51 am
My apologies if this has been clarified somewhere in the comments, when your students take a quiz do you grade it right/wrong or offer partial credit? I'll be implementing this procedure this year for tests.
9/30/2017 10:40:09 am
Hi Jennifer,
11/14/2017 07:38:56 pm
I use very similar procedures. I cover them at the parent open house. I have very specific rules they have to follow. At the beginning of the year, I go over the rules. The first couple tests and quizzes I show them on the document camera exactly how I want it. If they deviate, the don't get the points. I allow anyone to make corrections. If a student gets below a 75% I require corrections. This has been so helpful when it comes time for conferences and report cards. I have a very specific way of tracking who makes corrections, that way I can always tell parents when and if their child made them. I do not do retakes either. I love this system!
3/30/2018 01:11:34 am
In South Africa, learners don't do re-takes and cannot earn back points/credits (marks). I teach in a public high school with 1 500 learners. 300 per grade. They do 2-3 formal assessments per term ( 2,5 months). I do informal (formative) assessments (10-15 marks) throughout the year to prepare learners for formal assessments. I mark them myself. I give stickers for improvement from previous test and for 80+ mark. I'm going to formalise my test correction procedure with your download, thank you. I will collect correction sheets and mark off on classlist. Then i can tell parents at parent meeting whether the kid is doing corrections or not. ( i record EVERYTHING , including revision tasks done/ not done)
3/31/2018 09:00:16 am
Hi Jennifer,
7/22/2018 05:27:55 pm
Why don't you have them correct quizzes to learn for their test so they don't have retakes? How many students usually do test retakes?
7/23/2018 08:59:39 am
Hi Sheila,
8/28/2018 03:37:29 pm
Does this take you forever to grade? Do you have a faster way of grading all of the test corrections? I used to do test corrections, but the piles of paperwork were maddening.
8/28/2018 07:37:40 pm
Hi Allison,
Robert Glassner
9/3/2018 10:04:20 pm
I use this exact same policy in my class! 6th grade gets a premade template to help them complete it, but 7th and 8th do it in their notebooks. I also added a small conference component (10-20 minutes) where students and I go over their corrections together. This helps me really determine if they internalized the material or if they're getting some outside help (a lot of kids in my school have outside tutors). This also gives students motivation to really know that they're talking about because the quicker they convince me that they "got it" the quicker the conference will end!
9/4/2018 06:55:38 pm
Hi Robert,
10/6/2018 08:12:32 pm
Have you noticed any improvement in their long term learning? As in, when it comes time to write their midyear or final exam, do they do better than they did on the unit the first time around?
10/10/2018 08:05:02 am
Hi C,
12/8/2018 10:02:30 am
Hey! I do somewhat of the same thing! I love it because then I am not needing to remake a test or schedule retakes. I have guidelines I want the students to follow in order to correct their test. My only difference from what you have writen is I have the students give me at least 5 sentence description on how to solve the problem. I even put in there, like you are teaching a kindergartener the problem, that way they are very detailed. I do not want excuses of why they made a mistake. I want to make sure they think about the process of solving and evaluating each problem. Again, I also give up to half credit back. I would also agree that parents love this idea! And when kids don’t take the effort to do it, parents get mad at them not you.
12/8/2018 02:19:24 pm
5/31/2019 07:36:49 am
I have done this the past few years and I love this system. It works best when students need to write and explain their error and explain the correct steps. Writing is so important in math. Thanks for the download procedure sheet this will be helpful with my new classes next year.
Joan Nagy
5/31/2019 05:20:30 pm
Please keep me up-to-date with this thread. I did not mean to un-subscribe!
7/15/2019 11:20:42 am
I follow generally the same method. Tests can't leave my room, so they do corrections with me. However, the one big difference is that they must complete all missing assignments before making test corrections and before getting half points back. I've been using this method for about 20 years now and love it!
7/18/2019 11:43:03 am
Hi Kris,
7/31/2019 04:11:35 pm
I have used nearly the same procedure in middle school and high school English, Latin, and religion classes. I agree that it is a great way to place responsibility for success on the student.
9/19/2019 11:44:03 pm
Hello! I'm a first year math high school teacher, and I use the same exact system for my students with quizzes. We have a quiz almost every Friday, which covers the content covered throughout that week. We have a test every six weeks which covers the entire unit taught. I read that you only apply this technique for your tests, I would like to ask for any recommendations you can give for my weekly quizzes. We usually start a new topic the following week, and review their quiz half of the class so they can later make corrections. I feel that these corrections may inflate their grades since its on a weekly basis. Thank you for your feedback!
9/20/2019 11:10:26 am
Hi Karen,
10/15/2019 10:08:19 am
Thank you for sharing, it's amazing!
3/12/2020 12:10:33 am
I think the method my teacher uses works really well. It's called "The 4 C's". For each question we have to Copy the problem down, write a Comment (1-2 sentences) on the problem (how we messed up and how to do it right), Correct the problem (actually do it properly), and do a Comparable problem (a problem similar to what we're correcting). I would really recommend this method to other math teachers because as a student it really helps me understand the concepts better. (We also get 1/2 of our points back for doing corrections so it really helps grades!)
3/12/2020 12:13:24 am
(This is for high school PreCalc and also for AP Calculus if anyone was wondering)
Kathryn K.
6/14/2020 05:48:06 pm
I am passionate about corrections and love how you have students write the process down. I’m going to use interactive notebooks this year for the first time and I’m totally going to have my students write down this process too! I’m a little different, though. (No biggie.). I feel quizzes are formative so (when a team allows) I grade them with no partial credit. Super fast first pass. Then they do corrections for half those points back before the test for that unit. I also do separate sheet and a fully-explained solution, although I don’t insist on sentences. My students are year-long block so I provide time in class for corrections and provide enrichment for students when they’re done.
6/17/2020 11:33:08 am
Hi Kathryn,
11/6/2020 11:28:52 am
Thank you for sharing your detailed exam correction procedure! I used the same method with success with my college students before, and now I will use a slightly modified version of your step-by-step rules to make the process more clear and streamlined. I decided that the max they can earn back is 1/3 instead of 1/2, I will see how this works out.
1/11/2021 06:30:55 pm
Thank you for this method! I use a variation of it for my 5th graders, and they are psyched they have an opportunity to earn back points. My question is about the grade book. Do you enter both scores (original and corrected version) or just the corrected score? I am trying to work my brain around students who do the corrections; do they have some sort of advantage in the grade book? Are my parents missing that their child earns Cs and Ds the first time around but after corrections earns Bs? Do parents only see the Bs and think their child "gets" what's going on in Math? Am I overanalyzing this for 5th graders? Haha! Please advise. Thank you!
1/23/2021 11:16:28 am
Hi Julianne,
4/9/2023 02:53:16 pm
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