Algebra Tiles to Print on Label Paper for Interactive NotebooksIf you are planning to use Algebra Tiles for factoring and want students to get familiar with them, you will likely have a set on hand for them to use as a manipulative. They'll practice using them in class as you model it. But the challenge is that they don't have a permanent representation of what they arrange on their desktop. They'll lay out the algebra tiles on the table, start to understand the concept, and learn how to factor using algebra tiles. But they won't have anything to take away as a model to review from. It can be nice to have another version that they keep in their notebooks. Just a few examples will do. This way, they can have a copy to take home. These sticker templates are an easy way for kids to have a representation of the algebra tiles in their own notebooks. To use the templates, just pick a color (I've included standard coloring that matches the algebra tiles you probably have in your classroom, as well as another fun color option), then print a page for each student. They'll quickly cut down the lines for the smaller ones, and then they can peel and stick them right into their notebooks as you do notes and examples. I'd recommend only printing one or two sets of stickers per student. That way you don't need to get too many sheets of label paper. This way, you can do a couple of examples with the real algebra tiles, then do one or two different example problems that they can model in their notes with these stickers. Of course, they can also then just draw the tiles themselves later on if they want to keep modeling problems this way on worksheets or homework. They will not need to use stickers every single time. It just offers a nice in-between option for them where the hands-on effect of a manipulative and the permanent drawing version to keep in a notebook can meet halfway. If you use these too long, it will likely become too cumbersome and not be worth it anymore. Try just using a sheet of these when you introduce each new way to model with algebra tiles. The template (free download below) has a link to the right size & shape of label paper as well so you can get the correct one to fit these templates. This limits the cutting. However, if you have plain full-page sticker paper available that you use for my other templates, you can just use that too. The students would just have to do a bit more cutting, since the squares won't be pre-cut for them. The Avery label paper I've linked to just makes it easier. Try these other creative math teacher hacks too:
September 2024
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